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If you are at the trailhead of divorce, there are four different paths you can take. The first path is where you can do it yourself. There is usually a class or a facilitator’s office at the local courthouse where you can get information that will help you obtain a divorce. You could also work with a Certified Legal Document Assistant to get your paperwork completed.
Path two is to stay out of court and mediate with me or someone like me. I take care of my clients from A to Z by helping them make all of the decisions necessary to finish their divorce or legal separation by providing legal information. I also take care of their paperwork. One of my goals is to help my clients save time, money, and stress. If you have children, even adult children, hiring a divorce mediator in Sacramento, CA allows couples to build a strong co-parenting relationship.
A third path is where you each hire a lawyer and still avoid court in the collaborative process. One website where you can find more information is: https://sacramentocollaborativedivorce.com/. Like mediation, the collaborative approach also helps couples build a strong co-parenting relationship.
The fourth path is one where you each hire your own attorney and go to court. The process is designed to fracture the parties forever. It is also usually the longest, most adversarial, and most expensive option. Litigation can take 18 months to three years in most countries, in my experience. Contact Finding Common Ground Mediation & Law Services today to learn more about your options.
In my experience, divorce has a wait time of just over six months before it can be finalized. During that time, both parties must disclose all assets and debts to each other and work together to make the decisions necessary for the court to grant their divorce or legal separation. Going through this process is much easier with the help of divorce lawyers in Sacramento, CA.
Everything we discuss in mediation is confidential. My clients avoid all court hearings, share very little information with the court, and make their own decisions. Contact my office today to work with the divorce mediator Sacramento, CA relies on.
As a trained divorce mediator in Sacramento, CA, I am a neutral facilitator, and as such, I do not represent either party as their attorney. My role is to work together with both parties to make or confirm agreements that are the best decisions for your unique circumstances. One of the advantages of mediation is the opportunity to think creatively in resolving disputes and restructuring the family. My mediation process was designed by Sharyn Kaplan, an attorney and a therapist. Our process has helped many families over the last 25 years. It is family-centric, serving the best interests of both minor and adult children.
Mediation considers the “big picture” and looks to the future. According to Mediate, 93% of divorcing parents have tried an alternative dispute resolution, such as mediation. There are many future life events ahead, and transitioning out of marriage in a more peaceful way has many benefits for the future. Families who hire a divorce mediator in Sacramento, CA find they are better equipped to work together amicably in the future and experience less stress for everyone at important family events. Avoiding continuing legal battles not only saves time and money but also reduces the emotional strain children (even older children) experience when their parents must resort to an adversarial litigation process.
I provide information about the options for people to get a divorce or a legal separation. Usually, my prospective clients give me some information about their situation. I can then share information about how my process may be able to help them. We can do a Zoom or a phone call for a free consultation. Get in touch with my office when you need a divorce mediator in Sacramento, CA.
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